Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Management Leadership For Administrators -Myassignmenthelp.COm
Question: Discuss About The Management Leadership For Administrators? Answer: Introduction Patient engagement in their care and healthcare decision-making is one of the most important ways by which they can be empowered and their satisfaction can be increased. This would include maintaining a culture in the healthcare organization that will prioritize and support patients engagement. This can be ensured by establishing an active collaboration between patients and healthcare providers through designing, managing and achieving positive health outcomes (Graffigna Barello, 2015). This would involve maintaining their autonomy and dignity of the patients and including their wishes, cultural inhibitions, preferences while making care plans. This would also involve the patients skills, knowledge, capability and willingness to effectively incorporate their ideas and make themselves an active member in their healthcare decision making and also while designing their care. Patients meaningful participation and involvement in decision-making will make them highly pleased and satisfied helping in establishing trust and credibility and reducing anxiety and stress (Cene et al., 2016). Patient education: Patient education comprises of two important parts. The first part is the planned, logical as well as systematic procedure of teaching and learning which helps to make the patients learn about the their treatment procedures and providing them with information about what the treatment involves before and after. The second component mainly involves focusing on the wellness, prevention as well as health promotion that will prevent the patients and their families from getting affected again by the disorders (Coppola et al., 2016). This procedure ensures better health outcomes as the patients become fully aware of their condition. They learn to identify the risks and understand ways how to avoid any unhealthy behaviors. They also get to know the different habits that they should adapt to have healthy living. They become more responsible as they learn the procedures of improving their health conditions. This reduces chances of patient readmissions or poor quality lives. Reflection: The first step that I can take in order to ensure the above mentioned procedures of patient engagement in my practice is developing effective partnership. As a nurse, I would be stressing on developing trust among the patients and try to create relationships where both the parties are working together towards a common objective. I should effectively engage with them by using proper communication skills and solve their questions and concerns making them participate in decision-making. I would try to establish the partnership based on respecting patients dignity and autonomy emphasizing on ethics, confidentiality, trust and privacy. I should properly educate patients in simple language without using any jargons so that they can easily understand the different initiatives that they should take to be healthy. I would try to take effective feedback from the patients in order to understand that whether they are able to understand the different instructions and guidelines they had to follow . The answers of the patients will help me to know whether I have successfully been able to engage them and educate them about their care. Quality and Safety standards: One of the ten important standard of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (2012) is the standard 10. It is called the preventing falls and Harm from fall Standards. With the growing population of the aged individuals in the nation due to improved medical science. However, the incidence of fall is seen to increase as population gradually ages towards 70 and above. More than 50% of the patients admitted to nursing homes, community care centers or in residential areas are seen to have suffered a fall at latest once during their course of stays in the healthcare centers (Lopez et al., 2015). Often inappropriate assessments of the risks of falls for the vulnerable patients, improper handling of the patients while assisting them in the daily activities, transferring them from beds and many others exposes the patients to falls. Therefore, healthcare professionals should be careful while caring for such vulnerable patients so that accidents do not take place. Effects if nurses do not take proper interventions: Falls not only threatens the independence of elderly individuals but also initiates a cascade of both socio-economic and individual consequences. Falls result in injury as well as readmissions or longer stays at hospitals (Soto-Varella et al., 2015). It also results in institutionalization as well as decrease in the physical functions. Loss of independence makes them suffer form anxiety, depression and similar other mental instabilities. Moreover, physical injuries that associate falls are fractures, intracranial bleeding, lacerations and hematomas. It includes pain, bruising, scratches and many other superficial wounds. Falls can result in development of fear of falling in the patients those results in self-imposed limitation of activities that in turn result in a cycle of decreasing functional ability. Ways by which falls can be prevented: Clinical evaluation and performance testing are very important to be done so that the risks of the patients of facing accidents due to fall in the future can be assessed. Therefore, those individuals who have been admitted in the hospitals due to falls or those who are vulnerable towards a fall in the healthcare centers should be tested with different fall assessment tools (Scniepp et al., 2014). For examples, if I get a patient who had already experienced a fall earlier can be evaluated to test his balance or gait issues with the basic assessment of Get-Up-and-Go Test. Here I would be testing the patient as he rises up from a standard armchair, walk 3meters in a straight line. He should be then instructed to turn, walk back to the chair and sitting back down. This would help me in detecting weakness in his lower extremity, his issues of imbalance while sitting or standing, and even unsteady gait. Similarly, other falls assessment tools would also help me identify the risks associate d with the patients. I will develop my intervention according to that only. Environmental alterations: Another strategy that I should implement in my nursing practice is the alterations of the environmental surrounding in ways that will reduce the risks of falls largely. Removing clutters on the way of walking, making the room bright, providing hand rails, bed rails and rails in the bathrooms, providing the patient with switches for alarm calls, arranging the patient bed in ways making it near to urinal, telephones and others would be helpful. Moreover, using shoes and slippers with non-skid soles would be also helpful. All these will reduce chances of falls in the patients (Aizenberg et al., 2015). Leadership and management: Effective communication skills is one of the most important leadership trait that every nurses need to follow for effective patience care and safety of patients. Proper communication skills help the nurses to communicate effectively with nurses, patients, family members and other healthcare professionals. This helps in building rapport, developing trust and building healthy relationships. Nurses with proper communication skills can engage in providing and receiving constructive feedback with their colleagues (Derzipp et al., 2016). This helps in solving different issues of the fellow workers and helps in achieving the organizational goals successfully. This also helps in assuring that the multidisciplinary teams will carry out collaborative work where proper coordination will help in ensuring safety and protection of the patients. Technical skills: Another important leadership skill that nurse leaders should be comfortable with is the technological knowledge that is very important in ensuring safe practice by the nursing subordinates, proper evaluation of their efforts, and assuring higher patient satisfaction. Every nurse should ensure that she or he could successfully provide efficient healthcare service with right technology utilization (Thomas, 2015). Some of the technologies that every nurse should be accustomed are the electronic health records, biometrics as well as clinical decision support also called CDS. By the year 2020, technologies will take up a large amount of the commonplace and therefore, the nurses should prepare and arm themselves with the right technical knowledge so that they can prepare the future nurses and train them to develop a technologically developed healthcare system. Reflection: I have noticed that I am introvert and do not have proper verbal communication skills. Therefore, my colleagues take me negatively as they believe me to be suffering from superiority complex. I have not been able to develop relationship with them that might affect patient safety in future. Effective communication skills help in developing rapport with colleagues where all healthcare members will be able to share effective feedback. Feedback sharing would help to develop nursing practice that has positive outcomes on patients health (Riley, 2015). It will help in developing a collaborative environment at work where effective organization, supervision, direction, delegation and effective coordination can be assured while treating patients among all the members. With effective communication skills, I would be able to help other members to be motivated and overcome burning out situations. Therefore, I will take up workshops in the community, admit to training sessions, or take up continu ous professional development courses. I will also read evidence based papers to overcome communication issues. Learning culture within the organization: An optimal workplace culture is considered by researchers to be central for nursing professionals as it helps them to experience valuable as well as relevant learning in the workplace. Working and learning is taken to be an integrated experience in the profession of nursing in healthcare. Learning in the workplace is valuable as it helps in supporting professionals in three aspects- development, scope as well as progression of nursing practice. Learning is also related with the regulatory requirements that are related to the nurses as the professional. Moreover, proper learning culture within the workplace also helps in supporting the implementation of evidence-based practices properly which in turn helps in developing patient outcomes (Newton et al., 2015). Two important outcomes can be noted which will ensure patient safety and satisfaction. A proper learning culture within the organization helps in demonstrating the accountability of the nurses own learning and helps them to under stand the organizational systems in proper ways that provide them with resources, adequate staffing and support. This also ensures encouragement and value of the nurses learning and educations. The second domain is relational dynamics. Proper learning culture ensures that nurses value their senior nurses, peers, mentors, educators, preceptors who facilitate and encourage their professional development. Proper learning also helps the nurses to engage not only with patients but also with members of the healthcare teams ensuring collaborative and coordinated practice (Billet, 2016). Strategies to ensure contributing to a learning culture within organization: I will take part in continuous professional developments at regular intervals. I will be able to develop my knowledge in handling the recent technologies that had been introduced in healthcare services. Using of such technologies will not only reduce stress of handling many activities manually but will also ensure safe practices for the patients resulting in positive outcomes. I will be able to identify my limitations and deficits. This would help me to improve my practices so that I can meet different current standards with the help of different evidence based practices. Training sessions with mentor: The next activity that I will take up is to participate in training sessions where I will work on my communication skills. I will discuss my communication issues with my mentor and follow his guidelines. I will be giving several tests at my training sessions under senior nurse who is the mentor so that my mentor can evaluate my performance. The better I develop my communication skills; I will be able to communicate effectively with peers and patients. This would ensure patient safety and will reduce the chances of miscommunication among healthcare members (Provost et al., 2015). As a result, patient satisfaction would be ensured. Professional practice: Role ambiguity can be defined as the lack of understanding of a nursing professional about his job responsibilities. Here, the individuals cannot understand what factors are expected from the individuals in terms of their job performance. In simple words, nurses remain unsure about what duties they are expected to do by their senior authorities (Provost et al., 2015). Effect on nurses: Nursing professionals who experience role ambiguity are seen to perform at lower levels in comparison to employees who have clear understandings of the requirements. Moreover job stress and jobs dissatisfaction are seen to have positive relationship with role ambiguity. The more the role ambiguity faced by nursing professionals; the more is the job dissatisfaction and job stress. They tend to be burned down often, which have negative impact on patient safety. Researchers are also of the opinion that team effectiveness decreases with the increase of role ambiguity among the professionals (Zhou et al., 2016). Admiring greenery, jogging: One of my favorite hobbies is admiring the greenery of parks, fields and lakes. Therefore, I will try to undertake extensive jogging sessions in the lush green parks that will not only help me to keep myself fit but will also release stress. Ongoing studies show that admiring greenery helps in overcoming stress and feeling happier (Yun-chen Shin-Che, 2018). Therefore, when I will be having morning shift, I will take strolls in the evening. Whenever I will be having evening shifts, I will be taking jogging session in the morning. Therefore, I will be physically fit and mentally happier and fresh (Choi et al., 2016). Spending time with children: Another initiative that I will be undertaking is spending time with the children in my community orphanage. Whenever, I will be getting off from my profession, I will visit the children and spend time with them. I like spending time with them as it releases stress and anxiety form my daily work pressures. Their innocence and mischief at the same time makes me happier and spending time with them acts as stress buster. This will help me to be emotionally well (Lewis Bonner, 2016). References: Aizenberg, D., Weizman, A., Weiss, A., Akopian, M., Amitai, M., Beloosesky, Y. (2015). The association in elderly hospitalized patients, between psychotropic drugs and hip fractures resulting from falls.Experimental aging research,41(5), 546-555. Billett, S. (2016). Learning through health care work: premises, contributions and practices.Medical education,50(1), 124-131. Cen, C. W., Johnson, B. H., Wells, N., Baker, B., Davis, R., Turchi, R. (2016). A Narrative Review of Patient and Family management: The Foundation of the Medical Home.Medical care,54(7), 697. Coppola, A., Sasso, L., Bagnasco, A., Giustina, A., Gazzaruso, C. (2016). The role of patient education in the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes: an overview.Endocrine,53(1), 18-27. der Zijpp, T. J., Niessen, T., Eldh, A. C., Hawkes, C., McMullan, C., Mockford, C., ... Seers, K. (2016). 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